TechDev 2023

October 27-29 | Virtual

Submission Method

Please submit your full paper/abstract to us via the Submission System:

Fast Registration Channel

Fast registration channel is opened up for delegates. Interested participants should register in advance by filling out the Registration Form at least one month before the conference. Registration Link will be announced soon.

Need Help

Please feel free to write an email to us if you have any query concerning to the conference.

TechDev 2023 (ICCTD 2023)

2023 12th International Conference on Computer Technologies and Development has been successfully held virtually during October 27-29, 2023. Delegates had a quite good communication on conference and shared their research achievements.


Keynote Speakers of 2023

Prof. Domenico Talia

Senior Member of ACM and IEEE Computer Society
University of Calabria, Italy

Prof. Joan Lu

Research Group Leader of Information and System Engineering (ISE) in the Centre of High Intelligent Computing (CHIC)
University of Huddersfield, UK

Presentation Sessions