Registration needs to be completed in advance for participation
Please submit your full paper/abstract to us via the Submission System:
Fast registration channel is opened up for Delegates. Interested participants should register in advance by filling out the Registration Form at least one month before the conference. Registration Link will be announced soon.
Please feel free to write an email to us if you have any query concerning to the conference.
The authors need to pay the registration fee in advance in order to attend the conference. Otherwise your paper will not be included in the conference program.
Registration Link:TBA
Notes: 1. The registration fee covers admission to all the conference programs, a volume of program and abstracts, soft copy of publication, lunch, banquet dinner, refreshments during coffee breaks. 2. For those who submit only abstracts for oral presentations without publication of their papers, please register as Presenter.3. The Author(Student) price is only applied for the paper whose first author is student. Student' ID card copy should be attached for registration.4. The additional paper price is only applied for the registered author who is the first author of the papers.
Cancellation requests must be sent to the Conference Secretary by email. If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.
• 60 days ahead of the conference: 60% of payment refund • 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund • Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund